Do you fall into any of these categories??
If you do…or know of someone who does… or is getting CLOSE to these standards…
You might even need some HELP from a trainer…which isn’t such a bad thing.
BodyFat %
Age: ............... Overweight: ................... Obese:
20-40 yrs ...... 33-39% (F) 19-25% (M) ......+39% (F) +25% (M)
41-60 yrs ...... 35-40%(F) 22-27% (M) ....... +40% (F) +27% (M)
61-79 yrs ..... 36-42%(F) 13-25% (M) ....... +42% (F) +30% (M)
Waist to Hip Ratio

The National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) states that:
Women with waist-to-hip ratios of more than 0.8 are at increased health risk because of their fat distribution.
Men with waist-to-hip ratios of more than 1.0 are at increased health risk because of their fat distribution .
BMI (Body mass index)
**keep in mind that if you are an avid weight trainer/body builder...this would NOT apply to you! a more accurate method used for sedentary population or one who is just getting started with fitness**

Waist Measurement
Until next time team, don't let your body go until you HIT any of these dangerous measurements to be is ACTING BEFORE you get there to prevent diseases and from ending up in the high risk categories!
Health respect & happiness,
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