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BCRPA Weight Trainer * BCRPA Group Fitness Leader * BCRPA Personal Trainer * Cory Holly Institute Principles of Sports Nutrition Education Program * Body Training System Group Power Instructor *Body Training System Group Centergy Instructor * CORE Conditioning Instructor * TKO Fitness Instructor * Boot Camp Leader

Friday, March 19, 2010

Introducing: Foody Fridays!!!

Friday’s theme will be anything that will deal with diet and nutrition. Check in often for tips, recipes, and healthy options/alternatives to complement your workout regime.

The human diet over the past couple thousand years have quite drastically changed in the past several decades. We are seeing more people suffering from obesity, diabetes, various types of cancers, heart disease, chronic pain and much, much more. Can the foods we eat be an accessory to these ailments?
There is overwhelming evidence now that our food choices can affect our state of health. Do you think it is normal for humans to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, chronic pain, or other such problems? NO!! These conditions are primarily related to food consumption, environment and lifestyle factors.

Food is a powerful medicine. It can also be a potent poison. Everything we eat and drink feeds and creates our molecules and cells, quite literally, we are what we eat.
Whole foods, foods that are unaltered and in its natural state, feed us the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants our body needs to prevent and treat most diseases while promoting health and balance within.
It is when you start consuming packaged products distorted with artificial flavourings and trans fats or vegetables and fruits enhanced with hormones and sprayed with insecticides, that we welcome harmful toxins into our bodies. And what this poison does is suppress your body’s capabilities of working and functional optimally which can result in sickness, pain and hinder what efforts you are putting forth in exercise and well-being.

We will dwell more into the world of whole foods and what subtle choice changes of what you consume can do to balance your health and well-being as well as help put your best food forward towards an even better workout.
Eating food isn’t just about satisfying the belly, it affects the quality of our lives, how we look, how we feel, how much we weight, how much energy we have and how healthy we are.

Until next time team, eat what you love, love what you eat- but only if the love is returned!!

Health respect & happiness,

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