Would you continue consuming your foods if they were brightly labelled with exotic stickers indicating: Synthetic pesticides? Herbicides? Fungicides? How about toxic chemical residues of heavy metals such as lead and mercury, and solvents such as benzene and toluene?
Yah…I didn’t think so.
Choosing organic foods not only ensures you are feeding your body with unaltered highly nutritional foods but you are also supporting local farmers and the environment. It is a triple win-win situation if you ask me.
I understand that purchasing organic foods can be quite costly compared to the conventionally grown foods. But if you really think about it, if you are feeding yourself and your children foods that are more nutritious and better for you, wouldn’t that in turn cause less harmful diseases to be contracted in the future? Also, with conventional farming, we all partake in paying for the clean-up efforts of polluted waterways, rivers, and lakes and the loss of quality top soils that it causes.
Our health and the health of our children plus the state of our environment should be worth the few extra dollars that we spend now in the long run.
The following list contains the top 12 most pesticide contaminated fruits and vegetables in America. For more information please visit www.ewg.org.
1. Peach
2. apples
3. sweet bell peppers
4. celery
5. nectarines
6. strawberries
7. cherries
8. pears
9. grapes (imported)
10. spinach
11. lettuce
12. potatoes
If you can start with just those, you could be reducing the intake of harmful toxins in your body already!
Until next time team, we shouldn’t treat “organic” as a fad but THE way of eating-as our ancestors did for thousands of years before us.
Health respect & happiness,
About Me

- miss.beki
- BCRPA Weight Trainer * BCRPA Group Fitness Leader * BCRPA Personal Trainer * Cory Holly Institute Principles of Sports Nutrition Education Program * Body Training System Group Power Instructor *Body Training System Group Centergy Instructor * CORE Conditioning Instructor * TKO Fitness Instructor * Boot Camp Leader
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Warning Wednesdays: are your efforts making you age faster??
Exercise and eating right will benefit your overall health and well-being. But can exercising and eating WRONG do the opposite?
You may not know it, but what you are doing, can be exhilarating your aging process. It is very hard to tell now, while you are young and feeling good but it can catch up to you in the not-so-distant future.
What is fitness to aging?
*Over training can contribute to accelerated aging!
*Under training can contribute to accelerated aging!
*Insufficient recovery time for the body (REST) will increase the aging process and also hinder your body’s ability to grow stronger and/or leaner
On the flip side, balanced training and staying fit can contribute to a more graceful aging process. Fitness can contribute to stronger and happier aging.
What is health to aging?
*Foods we eat directly related to how we age
*High acidic foods speed up process of aging! Look for alkaline foods and drinks (MILK is aging us! The calcium in milk cannot be processed by our bodies so we don’t actually receive any of the nutrients PLUS its extremely acidic! Read my earlier post about milk warnings.)
*Recreational drugs speed the process as well as most medicinal drugs in the markets today
*Not enough sleep and too much sleep ages (anything less than 6 or over 10 is BAD!)
Common errors … don’t do it!
- over training
- insufficient rest between training and/or injuries
- imbalanced workouts (only does 1 style all the time)
- poorly made programs that don’t cater to needs
- too much too soon
- unrealistic goals
- fad diets
until next time team, maybe it’s time to recheck your current mindset of exercise and health…it could be making you OLD!
Health respect & happiness,
You may not know it, but what you are doing, can be exhilarating your aging process. It is very hard to tell now, while you are young and feeling good but it can catch up to you in the not-so-distant future.
What is fitness to aging?
*Over training can contribute to accelerated aging!
*Under training can contribute to accelerated aging!
*Insufficient recovery time for the body (REST) will increase the aging process and also hinder your body’s ability to grow stronger and/or leaner
On the flip side, balanced training and staying fit can contribute to a more graceful aging process. Fitness can contribute to stronger and happier aging.
What is health to aging?
*Foods we eat directly related to how we age
*High acidic foods speed up process of aging! Look for alkaline foods and drinks (MILK is aging us! The calcium in milk cannot be processed by our bodies so we don’t actually receive any of the nutrients PLUS its extremely acidic! Read my earlier post about milk warnings.)
*Recreational drugs speed the process as well as most medicinal drugs in the markets today
*Not enough sleep and too much sleep ages (anything less than 6 or over 10 is BAD!)
Common errors … don’t do it!
- over training
- insufficient rest between training and/or injuries
- imbalanced workouts (only does 1 style all the time)
- poorly made programs that don’t cater to needs
- too much too soon
- unrealistic goals
- fad diets
until next time team, maybe it’s time to recheck your current mindset of exercise and health…it could be making you OLD!
Health respect & happiness,
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
TiP TueSdaY~ when to know its time to increase your weight
Been idling too long at the same weight but not sure you're ready to up a few pounds? Here's a real quick and easy way to know if your muscles are ready to move up!
its called the 2-2-2 rule!
when you are thinking about pushing up to the next level, add TWO extra reps on your last TWO sets of the exercise. if you can do that TWO days in a row without a problem.. then you are ready to increase the weights!
be prepared to have the body scream at you for the new resistance factor as it will most likely be lazy and trick you into thinking its too heavy and you aren't ready... also, make sure you understand the difference between BURN..and PAIN.
Burn is good.
Pain is BAD.
til next time team, if you're resistant to change in weights, don't expect a change in your physical performance!
health respect & happiness,
its called the 2-2-2 rule!
when you are thinking about pushing up to the next level, add TWO extra reps on your last TWO sets of the exercise. if you can do that TWO days in a row without a problem.. then you are ready to increase the weights!
be prepared to have the body scream at you for the new resistance factor as it will most likely be lazy and trick you into thinking its too heavy and you aren't ready... also, make sure you understand the difference between BURN..and PAIN.
Burn is good.
Pain is BAD.
til next time team, if you're resistant to change in weights, don't expect a change in your physical performance!
health respect & happiness,
Friday, March 19, 2010
Introducing: Foody Fridays!!!
Friday’s theme will be anything that will deal with diet and nutrition. Check in often for tips, recipes, and healthy options/alternatives to complement your workout regime.
The human diet over the past couple thousand years have quite drastically changed in the past several decades. We are seeing more people suffering from obesity, diabetes, various types of cancers, heart disease, chronic pain and much, much more. Can the foods we eat be an accessory to these ailments?
There is overwhelming evidence now that our food choices can affect our state of health. Do you think it is normal for humans to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, chronic pain, or other such problems? NO!! These conditions are primarily related to food consumption, environment and lifestyle factors.
Food is a powerful medicine. It can also be a potent poison. Everything we eat and drink feeds and creates our molecules and cells, quite literally, we are what we eat.
Whole foods, foods that are unaltered and in its natural state, feed us the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants our body needs to prevent and treat most diseases while promoting health and balance within.
It is when you start consuming packaged products distorted with artificial flavourings and trans fats or vegetables and fruits enhanced with hormones and sprayed with insecticides, that we welcome harmful toxins into our bodies. And what this poison does is suppress your body’s capabilities of working and functional optimally which can result in sickness, pain and hinder what efforts you are putting forth in exercise and well-being.
We will dwell more into the world of whole foods and what subtle choice changes of what you consume can do to balance your health and well-being as well as help put your best food forward towards an even better workout.
Eating food isn’t just about satisfying the belly, it affects the quality of our lives, how we look, how we feel, how much we weight, how much energy we have and how healthy we are.
Until next time team, eat what you love, love what you eat- but only if the love is returned!!
Health respect & happiness,
The human diet over the past couple thousand years have quite drastically changed in the past several decades. We are seeing more people suffering from obesity, diabetes, various types of cancers, heart disease, chronic pain and much, much more. Can the foods we eat be an accessory to these ailments?
There is overwhelming evidence now that our food choices can affect our state of health. Do you think it is normal for humans to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, chronic pain, or other such problems? NO!! These conditions are primarily related to food consumption, environment and lifestyle factors.
Food is a powerful medicine. It can also be a potent poison. Everything we eat and drink feeds and creates our molecules and cells, quite literally, we are what we eat.
Whole foods, foods that are unaltered and in its natural state, feed us the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants our body needs to prevent and treat most diseases while promoting health and balance within.
It is when you start consuming packaged products distorted with artificial flavourings and trans fats or vegetables and fruits enhanced with hormones and sprayed with insecticides, that we welcome harmful toxins into our bodies. And what this poison does is suppress your body’s capabilities of working and functional optimally which can result in sickness, pain and hinder what efforts you are putting forth in exercise and well-being.
We will dwell more into the world of whole foods and what subtle choice changes of what you consume can do to balance your health and well-being as well as help put your best food forward towards an even better workout.
Eating food isn’t just about satisfying the belly, it affects the quality of our lives, how we look, how we feel, how much we weight, how much energy we have and how healthy we are.
Until next time team, eat what you love, love what you eat- but only if the love is returned!!
Health respect & happiness,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Warning Wednesdays: Milk does a body Good...!..
…Or does it…?
Celebrities and athletes, through hundreds of ads, have told us that it builds strong bones and promotes healthy growth. And they would not lie, would they?
Milk harbours vitamin D and calcium which contributes to the claim so, scientifically, it has been proven, right?
That’s what bazillions of dollars being spent into those milk ads are for. To implant the notion that milk DOES a body good and you should drink it if you want healthy and strong bones. And you know what? REAL MILK, the stuff that comes out of a pastured cow eating organic grasses, is probably pretty darn good for you.
But the stuff you purchase from the grocery store, not so much.
You can hardly call it milk anymore after all the processing it’s undergone. And you don’t even want to KNOW what else you’re drinking in that glass of white stuff!
Here are just a few of the nasty surprises awaiting in your glass:
- white (pus) cells
- bovine growth hormone
- antibiotics
Trying to lose fat, gain muscle, skyrocket your performance or simply live a life of energy and vitality? Your glass of milk could be sabotaging your efforts! The body probably doesn’t even recognize the store bought milk as a usable food. Did you know pasteurization kills most of the enzymes in your milk and renders it practically indigestible?
Do you know what happens when you leave unpasteurized milk on the counter for a couple days? It turns into tasty sour cream!
Have you ever left conventionally produced milk on the counter for a couple days? It just turns into a putrid mess because it’s missing its enzymes.
Safe to say that the milk being a great source of calcium is being overly exaggerated. Without the enzymes, the body can’t break down and use the calcium in the milk.
So…this concludes:
ORGANIC milk from pastured cows DOES a body GREAT! There is nothing wrong with (REAL) milk…
Until next time team, keep enjoying your glass of wholesome-clean-organic milk & cookies!
Health respect & happiness,
Celebrities and athletes, through hundreds of ads, have told us that it builds strong bones and promotes healthy growth. And they would not lie, would they?
Milk harbours vitamin D and calcium which contributes to the claim so, scientifically, it has been proven, right?
That’s what bazillions of dollars being spent into those milk ads are for. To implant the notion that milk DOES a body good and you should drink it if you want healthy and strong bones. And you know what? REAL MILK, the stuff that comes out of a pastured cow eating organic grasses, is probably pretty darn good for you.
But the stuff you purchase from the grocery store, not so much.
You can hardly call it milk anymore after all the processing it’s undergone. And you don’t even want to KNOW what else you’re drinking in that glass of white stuff!
Here are just a few of the nasty surprises awaiting in your glass:
- white (pus) cells
- bovine growth hormone
- antibiotics
Trying to lose fat, gain muscle, skyrocket your performance or simply live a life of energy and vitality? Your glass of milk could be sabotaging your efforts! The body probably doesn’t even recognize the store bought milk as a usable food. Did you know pasteurization kills most of the enzymes in your milk and renders it practically indigestible?
Do you know what happens when you leave unpasteurized milk on the counter for a couple days? It turns into tasty sour cream!
Have you ever left conventionally produced milk on the counter for a couple days? It just turns into a putrid mess because it’s missing its enzymes.
Safe to say that the milk being a great source of calcium is being overly exaggerated. Without the enzymes, the body can’t break down and use the calcium in the milk.
So…this concludes:
ORGANIC milk from pastured cows DOES a body GREAT! There is nothing wrong with (REAL) milk…
Until next time team, keep enjoying your glass of wholesome-clean-organic milk & cookies!
Health respect & happiness,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Introducing: Tip Tuesdays!!
Every Tuesday is “Tip Tuesdays”…expect to find little tips you can implement into your current lifestyle to help bring out the health and well-being conscious in you!
Today we are going to look at what is the best type of workout to do whether you are looking to increase muscle strength or cardio endurance.
I have been asked many times if its right to do weights first and finish off with cardio or the other way around. To be honest, there is no right or wrong way to organize your workout schedule. But there is a BETTER and more efficient program depending on what your goals are.
For the runners, the athletes looking to pick up their cardio endurance, you should be starting your regime with your cardio program. After a 5-10 min warm up and maybe a quick dynamic stretch, your heart is ready for the cardio intensities. After the session, you are ready to do the resistance portion or if you are tired out, save the weights for tomorrow.
Wanting to build muscle size, strength? After a 5-10 min warm up (make sure the associated joints being used in the program are moving during the warm up!), you are ready to for your resistance program. You can break up the sets or reps with a 2-3 min cardio spurt in between or just save the cardio session for the very end.
It is best to use up the most energy for the type of workout goal you have in the beginning when you are most fresh. If you are training for a better run time, why would you tire yourself out with weights in the beginning so you have little to no energy to get in a good cardio session? Or why would you expend all your energy and focus on a cardio machine and leave your joints too tired to lift weights to your max when you are looking to gain muscular strength and size?
But keep in mind, it is always a good idea to change up the order of your workout regime from time to time. Always keep the body guessing so that it is on top of its game.
Don’t forget to follow your workout with a cool down and a stretch portion. Flexibility and range of motion is what will reduce your risk for injuries.
Until next time team, rethink your program regime to maximize the results of your goal intentions!
Health respect & happiness,
Today we are going to look at what is the best type of workout to do whether you are looking to increase muscle strength or cardio endurance.
I have been asked many times if its right to do weights first and finish off with cardio or the other way around. To be honest, there is no right or wrong way to organize your workout schedule. But there is a BETTER and more efficient program depending on what your goals are.
For the runners, the athletes looking to pick up their cardio endurance, you should be starting your regime with your cardio program. After a 5-10 min warm up and maybe a quick dynamic stretch, your heart is ready for the cardio intensities. After the session, you are ready to do the resistance portion or if you are tired out, save the weights for tomorrow.
Wanting to build muscle size, strength? After a 5-10 min warm up (make sure the associated joints being used in the program are moving during the warm up!), you are ready to for your resistance program. You can break up the sets or reps with a 2-3 min cardio spurt in between or just save the cardio session for the very end.
It is best to use up the most energy for the type of workout goal you have in the beginning when you are most fresh. If you are training for a better run time, why would you tire yourself out with weights in the beginning so you have little to no energy to get in a good cardio session? Or why would you expend all your energy and focus on a cardio machine and leave your joints too tired to lift weights to your max when you are looking to gain muscular strength and size?
But keep in mind, it is always a good idea to change up the order of your workout regime from time to time. Always keep the body guessing so that it is on top of its game.
Don’t forget to follow your workout with a cool down and a stretch portion. Flexibility and range of motion is what will reduce your risk for injuries.
Until next time team, rethink your program regime to maximize the results of your goal intentions!
Health respect & happiness,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Introducing: Warning Wednesdays!!
Wednesdays are now dedicated to warning and informing you on matters concerning your health, fitness, well-being and lifestyles.
Todays topic at hand touches very close to home:
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver causing fever, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, dark urine, extreme fatigue and jaundice. There are viral and non viral causes of hepatitis, the two most common are hepatitis A & B.
Hepatitis A:
- accounts for 20 – 40% of acute hepatitis in adults.
- Usually contracted through ingestion of a contaminated surface.
- Outbreaks and exposures in Canada are results of contaminated water and food due to sewage runoff.
- Up to 25% of cases, risk factor is unidentifiable.
- Usually self limited & resolves on its own but severity increases with age.
- Lasts up to 10 weeks while recovery can take up to a year.
- Likelihood of death is 1-3 per 1000 but increases to 12/1000 in people over 50.
Hepatitis B:
- infection from blood or body fluids including sexual transmissions.
- 100 times more infectious than HIV and is often without any symptoms.
- Chronic carriers have increased susceptibility to cirrhosis ad liver cancer.
- Up to 27% of cases, risk factors aren’t identified.
- Over 12% of acute cases are acquired through hospitalization, surgery and/or dental visits.
- On rare occasions, it may clear spontaneously.
- Can last up to 3 months with 1 – 2% mortality.
- After acute infection, chronic infection occurs in 2 – 10% with risk of long term complications.
- Highest incidence in ages 20 – 39.
Protect yourself by avoiding behaviour that puts you at risk. Washing hands before and after food preparation, as well as proper hand washing techniques after using a washroom are critical. Avoid sharing personal hygiene products. Consider hepatitis A and B vaccines for you and your family by speaking to your health care provider.
Todays topic at hand touches very close to home:
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver causing fever, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, dark urine, extreme fatigue and jaundice. There are viral and non viral causes of hepatitis, the two most common are hepatitis A & B.
Hepatitis A:
- accounts for 20 – 40% of acute hepatitis in adults.
- Usually contracted through ingestion of a contaminated surface.
- Outbreaks and exposures in Canada are results of contaminated water and food due to sewage runoff.
- Up to 25% of cases, risk factor is unidentifiable.
- Usually self limited & resolves on its own but severity increases with age.
- Lasts up to 10 weeks while recovery can take up to a year.
- Likelihood of death is 1-3 per 1000 but increases to 12/1000 in people over 50.
Hepatitis B:
- infection from blood or body fluids including sexual transmissions.
- 100 times more infectious than HIV and is often without any symptoms.
- Chronic carriers have increased susceptibility to cirrhosis ad liver cancer.
- Up to 27% of cases, risk factors aren’t identified.
- Over 12% of acute cases are acquired through hospitalization, surgery and/or dental visits.
- On rare occasions, it may clear spontaneously.
- Can last up to 3 months with 1 – 2% mortality.
- After acute infection, chronic infection occurs in 2 – 10% with risk of long term complications.
- Highest incidence in ages 20 – 39.
Protect yourself by avoiding behaviour that puts you at risk. Washing hands before and after food preparation, as well as proper hand washing techniques after using a washroom are critical. Avoid sharing personal hygiene products. Consider hepatitis A and B vaccines for you and your family by speaking to your health care provider.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Introducing: Maternity Mondays !
It's Mommy Monday!!
Every monday, the topic at hand will be related to all things maternal for all the mommys or mommy's-to-be out there.
Take a look at the list of all the GOOD exercise can do for yourself and your baby as well as some myths that should be banished!
Prenatal Benefits
· improves your fertility
· reduces the unpleasant effects of the biomechanical changes in your body
· eliminates or reduces pregnancy-related discomforts
· prevents and treats pregnancy-induced diabetes
· improves calcium absorption, preventing hypertension, preeclampsia, and future osteoporosis
· relieves tension, stress, and possible depression
· increases your general strength, improving your ability to carry your larger belly
· reduces the strain on your upper back
· reduces the strain and pressure on your lower back and sciatic nerve
· prevents “rounded shoulders” and improper posture
· increases energy, particularly in the last trimester
· improves your immunity
· less excess weight gain
· a better looking pregnant body
· increases your self-esteem and improves your self-image
· gives you a more positive outlook on your pregnancy and motherhood
· strengthens, tones, and gives you better control of your pelvic floor muscles during labor
· improves your endurance, fitness level, and muscle control, for a faster, easier, and less painful labor
· prevents or reduces the risk of labor complications
· reduces your chance of needing a C-section
· reduces the chance of birth defects
· increases the chance of delivering a child with higher Apgar scores (tests taken at one and five minutes after birth-low scores usually indicate a problem with the baby’s health)
Postpartum benefits
· minimizes stretch marks
· minimizes postpartum blues or depression
· minimizes present and future incontinence (urinary leaking) and organ prolapse problems
· allows faster recovery from pregnancy and labor
· helps you get back into shape easier, faster, and more safely
· reduces back strain from carrying and nursing your newborn
· increases energy and allows you to keep up with your baby
· gives you time for yourself
· improves your child’s health
· keeps your child calmer
· minimizes your child’s chances of having a weight problem
· improves your child’s neurological, mental, and physical development
Myths – things regular exercise during pregnancy was thought to cause:
· miscarriage
· hormonal imbalance
· overstressing of the joints, increasing risk of injury
· redirecting blood flow away from the fetus to the muscles, reducing oxygen and nutrient supply for the fetus
· overheating the fetus in the womb
· uterine bleeding
· displacement or rupture of the placenta (the placenta moving to cover the opening of the cervix, preventing the baby from coming out during labor)
· entangled umbilical cord (the cord wrapping around the baby, causing fetal distress)
· breech position (baby’s fee or buttocks presenting instead of the head)
· increased risk of a C-section, or use of medical instruments to help get the baby out
· hypertension or high blood pressure
· abnormal genes in the baby
· growth retardation
· meconium-stained amniotic fluid (if the fetus excretes feces or stool before it is born, it could inhale it from the amniotic fluid, blocking its airways and damaging its lungs)
· premature labour
· prolonged labour
· fetal distress
· stillbirth
· low birth weight
· low Apgar scores
· difficulties for the baby after birth
· difficult maternal recovery after birth
Old fashioned way of thinking had pregnant women limiting their workout sessions to 15 minutes and keeping their heart rates under 140 bpm (beats per minute). Being pregnant already increases your resting heart rate by about 10-20 bpm, so just walking around could bring it up that high. Most research during those times were backed up by testings done on animals so it is no surprise to discover that those findings do not quite correlate to human pregnancies.
Dr. Clapp, professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Metro Health and Medical Center in Cleveland, states, “Pregnancy is a normal physiological state, not a disease, and the benefits of exercise appear to be substantial for both the woman and the pregnancy.”
A few important things to keep in mind though:
Be consistent! Irregular workouts can do more harm than good. It can cause injuries and muscle fatigue, regularity is the key word. A good program will consist of at least 3 weekly workouts, each last a minimum of 20 minutes. Unless you are extremely fit, it is wise to limit aerobic activity to 45 mins at a time, listen to your body!
Individualized programs for your specific circumstances! You may be a high-risk pregnancy, so it is best to have a professional plan out the workouts catered to your fitness level and also there to supervise the exercises proposed.
MODIFY MODIFY MODIFY! If you are used to a high intense workout, you may be able to maintain that for a little while, but you do want to stay away from the ‘no pain, no gain’ motto. This is not the time to grunt through pain or focus on building muscle mass. It is all about maintaining your health, strength, flexibility and endurance to ensure a easier delivery and quick rebound back to your prior fitness levels.
Until next week, stay active all you mommy's out there, YOU are the role model for your children (whether you want to be or not!)
Health respect & happiness,
Every monday, the topic at hand will be related to all things maternal for all the mommys or mommy's-to-be out there.
Take a look at the list of all the GOOD exercise can do for yourself and your baby as well as some myths that should be banished!
Prenatal Benefits
· improves your fertility
· reduces the unpleasant effects of the biomechanical changes in your body
· eliminates or reduces pregnancy-related discomforts
· prevents and treats pregnancy-induced diabetes
· improves calcium absorption, preventing hypertension, preeclampsia, and future osteoporosis
· relieves tension, stress, and possible depression
· increases your general strength, improving your ability to carry your larger belly
· reduces the strain on your upper back
· reduces the strain and pressure on your lower back and sciatic nerve
· prevents “rounded shoulders” and improper posture
· increases energy, particularly in the last trimester
· improves your immunity
· less excess weight gain
· a better looking pregnant body
· increases your self-esteem and improves your self-image
· gives you a more positive outlook on your pregnancy and motherhood
· strengthens, tones, and gives you better control of your pelvic floor muscles during labor
· improves your endurance, fitness level, and muscle control, for a faster, easier, and less painful labor
· prevents or reduces the risk of labor complications
· reduces your chance of needing a C-section
· reduces the chance of birth defects
· increases the chance of delivering a child with higher Apgar scores (tests taken at one and five minutes after birth-low scores usually indicate a problem with the baby’s health)
Postpartum benefits
· minimizes stretch marks
· minimizes postpartum blues or depression
· minimizes present and future incontinence (urinary leaking) and organ prolapse problems
· allows faster recovery from pregnancy and labor
· helps you get back into shape easier, faster, and more safely
· reduces back strain from carrying and nursing your newborn
· increases energy and allows you to keep up with your baby
· gives you time for yourself
· improves your child’s health
· keeps your child calmer
· minimizes your child’s chances of having a weight problem
· improves your child’s neurological, mental, and physical development
Myths – things regular exercise during pregnancy was thought to cause:
· miscarriage
· hormonal imbalance
· overstressing of the joints, increasing risk of injury
· redirecting blood flow away from the fetus to the muscles, reducing oxygen and nutrient supply for the fetus
· overheating the fetus in the womb
· uterine bleeding
· displacement or rupture of the placenta (the placenta moving to cover the opening of the cervix, preventing the baby from coming out during labor)
· entangled umbilical cord (the cord wrapping around the baby, causing fetal distress)
· breech position (baby’s fee or buttocks presenting instead of the head)
· increased risk of a C-section, or use of medical instruments to help get the baby out
· hypertension or high blood pressure
· abnormal genes in the baby
· growth retardation
· meconium-stained amniotic fluid (if the fetus excretes feces or stool before it is born, it could inhale it from the amniotic fluid, blocking its airways and damaging its lungs)
· premature labour
· prolonged labour
· fetal distress
· stillbirth
· low birth weight
· low Apgar scores
· difficulties for the baby after birth
· difficult maternal recovery after birth
Old fashioned way of thinking had pregnant women limiting their workout sessions to 15 minutes and keeping their heart rates under 140 bpm (beats per minute). Being pregnant already increases your resting heart rate by about 10-20 bpm, so just walking around could bring it up that high. Most research during those times were backed up by testings done on animals so it is no surprise to discover that those findings do not quite correlate to human pregnancies.
Dr. Clapp, professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Metro Health and Medical Center in Cleveland, states, “Pregnancy is a normal physiological state, not a disease, and the benefits of exercise appear to be substantial for both the woman and the pregnancy.”
A few important things to keep in mind though:
Be consistent! Irregular workouts can do more harm than good. It can cause injuries and muscle fatigue, regularity is the key word. A good program will consist of at least 3 weekly workouts, each last a minimum of 20 minutes. Unless you are extremely fit, it is wise to limit aerobic activity to 45 mins at a time, listen to your body!
Individualized programs for your specific circumstances! You may be a high-risk pregnancy, so it is best to have a professional plan out the workouts catered to your fitness level and also there to supervise the exercises proposed.
MODIFY MODIFY MODIFY! If you are used to a high intense workout, you may be able to maintain that for a little while, but you do want to stay away from the ‘no pain, no gain’ motto. This is not the time to grunt through pain or focus on building muscle mass. It is all about maintaining your health, strength, flexibility and endurance to ensure a easier delivery and quick rebound back to your prior fitness levels.
Until next week, stay active all you mommy's out there, YOU are the role model for your children (whether you want to be or not!)
Health respect & happiness,
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