I really appreciate it when I have readers who inquire or request specific topics that make me think and research for more information. Keeps me on my toes you know?
You asked for it, and here it is!

To really take these tips to heart (ha ha, pun intended?), you need to understand heart disease and the different optimal cardiac numbers (cholesterol, blood pressure, triglycerides, homocysteine). That way, you can see why it is so important to eat certain foods that can protect your heart and exercise to make it stronger and healthier.
I have decided to break this up to a short mini-series so I don’t throw too much information at you all at once. But what I plan on revealing is such powerful ammunition against heart disease that I hope you are able to pass this weapon of knowledge to as many people as possible! Why do I care so much? Because HEART DISEASE IS THE #1 KILLER AMONG CANADIANS. Yes, it beats cancer, diabetes, car accidents..etc.

Understanding Your Blood Test: Optimal Cardiac Numbers
Don’t you hate it when you visit your doctor and they start throwing out this number and that number and 4 syllable words that you forget the minute it comes out of their mouth? Then, when you start to ask questions, they shoo you out because they have their next patient to see? That is when you need to take accountability and do the research Team! Lucky for you, I’m here. =)
There are different categories and each have their own optimal numbered ranges that you should fall under. Key players include the cholesterol ratio, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine, and your blood pressure.
Total cholesterol (TC) levels should be less than 200 mg/dL. It’s borderline to high risk when it’s 200-239 mg/dL, and you’re considered at high risk when it rises to 240 mg/dL and above.
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is a vital part of the picture and the lower it is, the better. LDL levels, which greatly affects your risk of heart attack and stroke, should be less than 100 mg/dL. 100-129 mg/dL is considered near optimal/above optimal while a reading of 130-159 mg/dL is borderline-high. 160-189 mg/dL is considered high and anything above 190 mg/dL is VERY high.
One the flip side of the scale, your high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol should NOT be too low. In fact, low HDL levels put you at high risk for heart disease! HDL cholesterol that is less than 40 mg/dL is considered low. Typically, a woman’s HDL cholesterol ranges from 50-60 mg/dL and a man’s ranges from 40-50 mg/dL. You should strive to be higher than 55-65 mg/dL.
Triglyceride (TRG) level is yet another reading. Levels should be under 150 mg/dL, since high trigylerides can contribute to heart disease. If you’re between 150-199 mg/dL, you are borderling-high, if it’s 200-499 mg/dL, it is high, and a reading of 500 mg/dL is considered extremely high!
Other readings include your cholesterol ratio, homocysteine level, and blood pressure. I will continue to look at each category as well as shed more light on the ones mentioned above in part 2 of the mini series next week.

Until next time Team, when you hear the saying “getting to know yourself”- maybe it means it’s time to learn about your heart. =)
Health respect & happiness,
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