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BCRPA Weight Trainer * BCRPA Group Fitness Leader * BCRPA Personal Trainer * Cory Holly Institute Principles of Sports Nutrition Education Program * Body Training System Group Power Instructor *Body Training System Group Centergy Instructor * CORE Conditioning Instructor * TKO Fitness Instructor * Boot Camp Leader

Monday, January 7, 2013

Motivation Monday | Wipe your slate clean

Happy Monday Team!

This will be our first entry for Motivation Mondays!
The beginning of the week has such a bad rep, but it should be celebrated just like the week ends! With a slightly different approach of course.

Let Mondays be the day you start fresh, where you wipe your slate clean of all your naughty shenanigans and cheat meals/drinks from the weekend that just passed.

Begin by waking up at a timely hour. I suggest at least 2 hours prior to your actual departure time.
This will give you ample time to start your day leisurely and focused.

After your usual morning rituals, start with a nice tall glass of refreshing cool water to kick start your metabolism.

While you prepare your breakfast, use this time to go over your weekly schedule in your head and think about the times and days you will be hitting the gym.
As you sit down for your morning meal, grab yourself a piece of paper and pen and start to plan out this week's goals for training.
Don't forget to include your desired weights, reps, sets, and accompanying meals that will keep you fueled during the days.
Once you have your week planned out, stick to it. It should be easier to do that with your goals written out, keep it close and look at it regularly.

Here is a little peak at what I have down for the start of MY week:

Monday *cardio only* - 20 minute run, 5 minute high paced precor, 5 minute high paced row machine. Total 30mins only.
Tuesday *full body* - 35lb 1 legged squats, 60lb narrow squats, 50lb deadlifts, 15lb single arm reverse flys, 15lb alternating chest flys, overhand pullups, 10lb shoulder circles on BOSU, hanging knee ups. Total 1 hour, about 10 mins cardio.
Wednesday *core/kickboxing* - 1 hour Core pilates and stretch, followed by 1 hour cardio kickboxing. Total 2 hours only.
Thursday *upper body only*.....

You getting the hang of it? Give it a try yourself and start to see what amazing things you can accomplish!

Until next time Team, make this into a Monday weekly habit, and I guarantee you will always have a fantastic week inside the gym!

Health respect & happiness


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