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BCRPA Weight Trainer * BCRPA Group Fitness Leader * BCRPA Personal Trainer * Cory Holly Institute Principles of Sports Nutrition Education Program * Body Training System Group Power Instructor *Body Training System Group Centergy Instructor * CORE Conditioning Instructor * TKO Fitness Instructor * Boot Camp Leader

Monday, April 12, 2010

MoMMy mONDAYS: Pregnancy & your musculoskeletal/neurological systems

Musculoskeletal system

With all the hormonal changes in the body during your pregnancy, it will affect your fitness level, strength, endurance, coordination, range of motion, flexibility, balance and amount of control you have over the body.
You produce the hormone relaxin, which can only be produced while pregnant, which softens the joints and increases fluid. Naturally, the hips and pelvis become more flexible but it also causes it to be less stable. From this, you should fee more flexible but in actuality, most women tend to feel LESS flexible. This could be due to water retention (Edema also lessens muscle definition).
As the uterus increases in size, your centre of gravity will be thrown off, your pelvis begins to rotate and you will see signs of lumbar lordosis (sway back) and protracted shoulders (rounded shoulders). Bigger breasts affect your balance, add a heavier body with softening joints and ligaments and the results will be the off-balance “waddling” most women succumb to especially during the last trimester. Keep the hips and thigh muscles strong to help deter that affect.

Neurological system

Expect changes in reaction time, as well as sleep patterns, stress levels, moods and mental proficiency. Because of that, it is VERY important to perform all exercises slowly, with control and caution. Focus on proper posture, technique and alignment.

Next week we will look at how pregnancy affects your metabolic and gastrointestinal systems.

Until next time Mommys, embrace the beautiful changes your body is going through!

Health respect & happiness,


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