Not to be confused with coconut milk (the liquid that comes from the grated meat of a coconut), coconut water is the clear liquid found inside a young coconut fruit.
Coconut water has a high potassium content and contains antioxidants and cytokinins, which promote plant cell division and growth.
This is literally, nature's energy drink! With no added sugars or preservatives, this delicious refreshing drink replenishes the body better than water alone and also has some vital nutrients that water cannot give you.

I was sent a few O.N.E. Coconut Water samples to give a try a little while back. I decided to replace my plain water with O.N.E. Coconut Water while teaching 2 back to back fitness classes to see how I felt.
Here is my verdict:
Taste - Great! I love the taste of clean!
Hydration - I sweat A LOT during my classes and is always reaching for my water bottle, it was nice to see that the desire to drink was less.
Energy - My energy level is normally always great, so I made sure to use it on a day I felt more tired...and it definitely did the trick. No one could tell I was fatigued or noticed a change in the energy in the class.
Do you notice yourself running into this while working out?:
*muscle cramping
*muscle soreness (tingly)
*"losing wind" too fast
Try hydrating with some coconut water during your workouts and see if you feel a difference. It could mean your body is losing electrolytes and need to replenish (which plain water cannot do for you).
I hope this has helped shed some light on why people everywhere is going Coo-Coo for Coconut Water! ;)
Until next time team, grab yourself a O.N.E. Coconut Water and escape into the Tropics!
Health respect & happiness,